The Role of Eco Friendly Packaging in Ecommerce

Ecommerce is big business in 2022 and having rapidly grown since the outbreak of coronavirus and the subsequent lockdowns it is something that is definitely here to stay. The reason for its sudden surge in popularity is manifold; during the UK lockdowns many people found themselves with a lot more extra time than they were used to, and sadly, many also found themselves suddenly without work. 

This did have the effect of driving innovation and pushing people to follow a riskier career path than they may have otherwise taken. Lockdowns and job losses lead to people taking their side hustles full time and the inability to go shopping on the high street meant that more people were looking to make online purchases than ever before. Setting up an online ecommerce business allows entrepreneurs to connect with their customers on the internet like never before. 

Businesses that were rapidly set up in the period between 2020 and 2022 have had a sharp learning curve when it comes to operating a business online. They have had to master online marketing channels such as websites and social media pages, and have come into being in a saturated market where a lot of other new and potentially similar businesses are fighting for the attention of the general public.

In this sense it was more important for these businesses to stand out from the competition either through their marketing, brand messaging, product types and even their packaging and eco-friendly credentials. Furthermore, these natively digital businesses have had to get to grips with logistics very quickly - something that can be very complex to navigate. One aspect of logistics that is very important not to overlook is product packaging. The thing with packaging used today is that customers are increasingly moving away from single use plastics and are showing a strong preference for packaging that is recyclable and is made from sustainable materials.

Why your customers prefer eco-friendly packaging

The natural resources that go into creating custom packaging such as a personalised gift box or bag can be expensive - not only in monetary terms but also environmentally. Choosing high end packaging for your goods such as silk lined wooden boxes might make your products look amazingly tempting, but it also drives up the cost per unit and can mean you actually make fewer sales. 

No one is saying that you need to use the cheapest of the cheap packaging to make your business profitable - only that smart packaging choices can provide your customers with the level of care they expect in terms of price, quality and sustainability. It is entirely possible to use high end packaging that looks great and is sustainable by looking for options that are made from sustainable materials like recycled cardboard and FSC certified wood. 

These days there is a strong demand for products, and by extension product packaging, that are eco-friendly. Your customers are more switched on than ever before and are increasingly aware of the environmental costs of the purchase habits. Given the choice between two comparable products, customers will usually go for the one that is more sustainable, especially if they are similar in price. In fact, many people are willing to pay a little more for a product that they understand to be sustainable. 

Many companies in the UK have latched onto this change in consumer behaviour and are working hard to make their products as sustainable as possible, with some even dipping into circular economies. Companies that have opted for circular economy models make use of waste products such as recycled wood and cardboard, and will have a plan for their products and packaging once the customer is finished with them.

Companies that use packaging that is designed to be recycled or reused can opt to take back their packaging so it can be used for new products and this is often a popular choice for companies that use paper based packaging or glass jars and bottles that can be disinfected and used again by the company or by the end user. This makes packaging an easier consideration when it comes to making your business more sustainable, and there are some companies in the UK that are dedicated to providing eco-friendly packaging on a wholesale basis.
